Saturday, February 25, 2017

Batman event

 Guess who was super excited to hear there was a lego Batman event at Barnes and Noble today??

We couldn't find his Halloween costume so he got all decked out in what we could find.

Then I remembered Ivy had her batgirl outfit, too. So, they were excited to be matchers...

We ended up finding Batman gear for all the kids - who knew?

So, the actual event sucked. There was this poster, then.... not much. I didn't even take pictures because it was so pathetic. There were a few bins of random legos for the kids to play with and a few Batman word scramble pages that Wilson might be able to do because they were so difficult. No one else was dressed up. There was no Batman appearance. Wilson asked when they were going to show the movie... um, never?

There's another Batman event in a few weeks and the kids want to go. We did get a good 30 minutes of lego time in, but we kinda have way more legos than Barnes and Noble...

But, we tried! The kids seemed to have an okay time, but we won't write the next one in on our calendar.

See you soon, Love!!

Monday, February 20, 2017

Long weekend

We had a really nice three day weekend here. It was rainy and wet most of the time, so I was worried about how it would go. We ended up having a great time and even snuck in some catch and outside time when it wasn't pouring.

I wanted to get out and do something today, so I asked the kids if they wanted to go to the beach. Of course they all wanted to. We headed to Fay-Bainbridge or 'driftwood' beach as the kids like to call it.

Look how happy these PNW kids are outside on a cold, wet winter day.

We got Wendy's drive through and ate in the covered picnic area.

Leo raved about his chili and Archie demanded I get a close up for you of him eating his cheeseburger. So, here ya go.

We lasted about an hour until we were all freezing and headed home for a movie. Ivy was surprisingly happy the whole time. It was a great day - can't wait until you're back to join in!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Leo's Writing

Leo brought home some schoolwork on Friday. While I was going through it, I found this scribbled on the back of a worksheet. Thought it might make you smile. What a sweetie!

Miss you, babe. Can't wait till you're home.


Saturday, February 18, 2017


Here are two (tallest and shortest members) of the YMCA Pandas!

They've had a great two weekends of games. Leo is so involved without actually touching the ball. This game, he did take a shot at the basket. Wilson shot a few times and scored for the first time! Wilson is super great at defense... The coach always puts him on the best opponent. 

You would have been really proud of them today. They're having a lot of fun!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Ivy's Birthday

Look at our two year old!

Her birthday was small and lovely.

The weather was great today. We spent a lot of it outside.

While the boys were at school, the littles and I went to Costco. We got pizza there for lunch and Ivy was so funny licking her plate after. I think she liked it!

Archie was a real sweetie to her all day. Here they are playing dolls.

Party prep began in the afternoon. Can you believe I came into the kitchen and found Archie tearing chunks off of the cake? Rascal!

After dinner, Leo went over to get the neighbor girls and party started.

Ivy loved her balloons.

She also had fun unwrapping the gifts.

She had a lot of help!

Here's Archie in her new tiara and Leo wearing her new backpack.

The cake was a big hit. Vanilla cake and frosting, both dyed pink, with raspberries on top.


Her favorite present of the night was probably the stroller that Siena and Sakaiya gave her. It lights up and sings. She went all around the house with it.

The kids followed her and howled anytime she ran into something.

Like, she probably pushed it for 30 minutes straight...

Here's the rowdy crew. Ivy was upset I had her stop pushing the stroller for a picture.

Can you believe our little baby is two???

She's just the cutest...

Love that girl! She had a lot of fun on her big day.
