Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Or is it clubhouse? Anyway, guess what I put up - - all by myself - - today. Man, was it hard work. I think they look pretty good, though!

Here are some views from outside.

And, from inside.

 Hooks to keep them in place.

I decided to have the single window swing up instead of out. What do you think?

This one also has a hook.

It took me a couple hours while the littles napped to get them up. I only cursed your name a few times about not doing them while you were here :) Two of the windows stick a little at about 75% open, so I'm going to have Josh come look at them soon... I just couldn't keep waiting to get them up.

Wilson and I spent some time hanging up the clock and posters inside. I also put another coat of paint on the door and put some hooks for lanterns or hanging flower pots on both sides of the front door. I'll get some pictures of those details soon. It's starting to look almost finished!

Love you babe!

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