Friday, March 17, 2017

St Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day from rainy Silverdale.

The kids all had fun picking out their most green outfits. Archie was so cute and found green pants and a green hoodie. He came out and was hiding from me for a while. When I finally got him to come out he was hiding his orange shirt from me under his hoodie because he thought I was going to pinch him. I told him every item of clothing didn't have to be green and he was relieved. So cute!

Of course I had fun dressing Ivy in a green dress and bows. When I tried to get a picture, she kept making funny faces. What a hambone!

We made some cool desserts to celebrate.
Who knew dyed vanilla pudding and a few marshmallows could taste so good??

The kids loved them.

Other than that, it's been a low key couple of days. We did hit the beach yesterday, but today was rainy so we hit Costco instead.

Here's what happens when Cheerios go on sale. Another of Ivy's gag photos...

Oh, and I had a graffiti artist in the backyard yesterday.

Leo fessed up - thought you might enjoy seeing his tag. Pretty sweet.

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