Sunday, August 13, 2017

Goodbye, Wilson and Leo!

 Here's Wilson leaving on his big adventure. Boy was he excited!

I was so happy that Wilson got a couple weeks of the summer out of Silverdale and with your family.

Next up, Leo! Here are all the kids at the exchange. Leo was the main event, and boy did he love it. I loved seeing him feel so special, too.

And, they're back! Fast forward a week and we picked up Leo. He had such great behavior that he got a lego trailer prize. He was so proud.

Hey, Wilson! Gang's all here for a fun play date when we went to pick up Leo. I don't have many pictures to post of their special weeks, but I think you saw and heard enough about them from me, the boys and your fam. It was a really positive experience for both of our big guys!

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