Saturday, October 22, 2016

Lazy Saturday

It's so funny you didn't know which kid was Elmo in the last blog because Archie's been borrowing Ivy's carebear costume all day. He put it on this morning first thing and was asking me to get mine on. I finally did and he was so happy. What a cutie!

The weather was so lovely today, so we played outside most of the day. I stalked Josh's coming and going and got the wood cut to FINALLY finished the shutters. Don't they look great? I'm really happy with them. We made a run to Home Depot tonight and got the hinges and paint to totally finish them. I will probably need Josh's help to hang them but I plan on painting them asap. 

Our door is looking pretty festive...

While we were out today, we picked up more of the Halloween village houses. Leo picked a large hotel and Wilson got the tree house. They are really love them!

Miss you mucho!

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