Guess who was super excited to hear there was a lego Batman event at Barnes and Noble today??
We couldn't find his Halloween costume so he got all decked out in what we could find.
Then I remembered Ivy had her batgirl outfit, too. So, they were excited to be matchers...
We ended up finding Batman gear for all the kids - who knew?
So, the actual event sucked. There was this poster, then.... not much. I didn't even take pictures because it was so pathetic. There were a few bins of random legos for the kids to play with and a few Batman word scramble pages that Wilson might be able to do because they were so difficult. No one else was dressed up. There was no Batman appearance. Wilson asked when they were going to show the movie... um, never?
There's another Batman event in a few weeks and the kids want to go. We did get a good 30 minutes of lego time in, but we kinda have way more legos than Barnes and Noble...
But, we tried! The kids seemed to have an okay time, but we won't write the next one in on our calendar.
See you soon, Love!!