Monday, February 20, 2017

Long weekend

We had a really nice three day weekend here. It was rainy and wet most of the time, so I was worried about how it would go. We ended up having a great time and even snuck in some catch and outside time when it wasn't pouring.

I wanted to get out and do something today, so I asked the kids if they wanted to go to the beach. Of course they all wanted to. We headed to Fay-Bainbridge or 'driftwood' beach as the kids like to call it.

Look how happy these PNW kids are outside on a cold, wet winter day.

We got Wendy's drive through and ate in the covered picnic area.

Leo raved about his chili and Archie demanded I get a close up for you of him eating his cheeseburger. So, here ya go.

We lasted about an hour until we were all freezing and headed home for a movie. Ivy was surprisingly happy the whole time. It was a great day - can't wait until you're back to join in!

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