Thursday, March 30, 2017

Kids are happy

Have you ever met kids who love stuffed animals as much as ours?

The littles and I went to IKEA the other day and brought home some new ones. I know they didn't need more, but look at those faces! And, of course, they're all named and there were tears when we couldn't find Leo's new hare the other night at bedtime. So sweet.

We mixed it up last weekend and I made the "world's largest pancakes" for the kids. They were in heaven. 

The next day, they requested the same thing so I made them the "world's smallest pancakes" instead. They thought that was pretty funny.

The weather has been pretty pleasant so we've been on a few bike rides. The new trailer came yesterday and we're pretty excited about it.

Poor Ivy got her hand slammed in the slider door of the van by ME! at costco today. It was so traumatic and the door was locked and I couldn't find the keys. Finally, we got it out and she was fine! Just a few little dents on two fingers. I tried to take her home to get her some tylenol and look at the hand, but she wanted to go to costco - so weird. Guess she's just too little with too much fat padding there for it to do anything major? Still scary though.

The littles had their dentist appointments. This was Ivy's first cleaning and she was awesome. Archie was also awesome. Love having kids who love the dentist! The only thing he mentioned was that Archie might have an overbite? He said sometimes kids grow into things like that and sometimes they need spacers or something. Anyway, everything else looks great and they had a ball.

Here's the sunglasses Archie told you about.

Here's Ivy trying to give a thumbs up like Archie did...LOL

Wilson leaves tomorrow for his big trip to PA! We hit the road for the beach on Saturday. 
We're excited - wish you could join us!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Best friends

Look at these two besties!

Archie has started calling Ivy his "best friend." It's so funny watching them play together.

Tea party above and below - get this - they're playing Indiana Jones with the baby dolls. Please imagine their sweet little voices humming the theme song now as the dolls swing from cupboard to cupboard...

Ivy doesn't like to be carried into the Y anymore. Look at that confident strut following her big bro...

They are so sweet.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Nice weekend

We just love our lazy weekends around here. Ivy was up a little before 7 on Saturday, so I brought her in to bed with me. Wilson came in later and cuddled. My oldest and youngest babes - they're so sweet.

The boys had their last basketball game and of course I didn't get a picture or video of Wilson scoring. They were pretty happy winning their last game.

Here are the team photos we got.

On our way home, the boys were both sad they didn't have any games left.
Glad they love the sport!

Today we hit the zoo. The weather as super - sunny and blue skies. The kids ditched their vests as soon as we got in. Our passes expire at the end of the month, so if we get another great day, we will try to go again. I just love the Point Defiance Zoo.

I didn't get that many pics, but the highlights were this white gibbon below and a polar bear named Boris. Peggy met us there and was helpful and fun with the kids. We stayed until about 2 pm and left with Ivy and Archie screaming - oops, maybe we should have called it at 1:30!

We had a lazy afternoon of chores and playing Monopoly Deal. Ely and Lauren will be happy to hear that Leo is obsessed. Wilson and he are really good, too! In the evening, they got invited to the Lego Batman movie with Siena, Sakaiya and Jocelyn. Tricia was nice to take them all. I sent Reeces for everyone and the boys had a ball.

When they got home, Wilson and I shaving creamed his glove. Do you remember when Wilson left it out in the rain? Well, we've tried to play catch twice this week in anticipation of his season and he's had some complaints. Apparently, it felt stiff. Hopefully this shaving cream works.

The kids and I were loving the shaving cream smell - it reminded us of you! Then Ivy ate it and we had to put it away...

Friday, March 17, 2017

St Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day from rainy Silverdale.

The kids all had fun picking out their most green outfits. Archie was so cute and found green pants and a green hoodie. He came out and was hiding from me for a while. When I finally got him to come out he was hiding his orange shirt from me under his hoodie because he thought I was going to pinch him. I told him every item of clothing didn't have to be green and he was relieved. So cute!

Of course I had fun dressing Ivy in a green dress and bows. When I tried to get a picture, she kept making funny faces. What a hambone!

We made some cool desserts to celebrate.
Who knew dyed vanilla pudding and a few marshmallows could taste so good??

The kids loved them.

Other than that, it's been a low key couple of days. We did hit the beach yesterday, but today was rainy so we hit Costco instead.

Here's what happens when Cheerios go on sale. Another of Ivy's gag photos...

Oh, and I had a graffiti artist in the backyard yesterday.

Leo fessed up - thought you might enjoy seeing his tag. Pretty sweet.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Gone again

We started off the week with two half days at school. Archie kept Monday morning exciting by sticking this small white rock up his nose. I thought I was going to have to take him in to the hospital, but after ten minutes of working on it, I finally got it out. Thank you ear wax extractor!

We then went to the Y for his preschool games and my yoga class. Here is Archie's impression of me at yoga. Haha!

Also, did you teach him to keep his eyes shut for photos??
The big boys got home at noon and we found some fun stuff to do around the house. Leo was so proud to finish his fuzzy poster.

Wilson made a kite. It sucked, but he tried really hard with it.

 The evening was just gorgeous. We ate dinner and headed to Clear Creek Trail for a few hours. We got home at eight and there was still some daylight left.

They've built a lot of fences and bridges since we were last there.

The kids were in their element and had a ball. It was a great night.

Today, Tuesday, was a little rainier. Here are the littles at Jiffy Lube. $170 spent there?!?

Bigs got home early again and shenanigans ensued.

"Take a picture for Dad!"

Leo and Archie got their pictures with Dad back form Costco and were thrilled to hang them up. I didn't take a picture of Leo's bed, but he proudly displayed them on the wall as well.

Wilson finished his first Archie comic and is "obsessed." He stayed up until 8:30 reading his next one...

Leo hosted a picnic downstairs before bed and it was super cute.

Didn't get pics of us swimming for a couple hours at the Y today, but it happened. We've been keeping pretty busy since you left. Oh, we did have some major developments - - we switched to Almond Milk and I got a new show, This Is Us.... we'll see how those things pan out. Hope you like all the pictures.