Thursday, March 30, 2017

Kids are happy

Have you ever met kids who love stuffed animals as much as ours?

The littles and I went to IKEA the other day and brought home some new ones. I know they didn't need more, but look at those faces! And, of course, they're all named and there were tears when we couldn't find Leo's new hare the other night at bedtime. So sweet.

We mixed it up last weekend and I made the "world's largest pancakes" for the kids. They were in heaven. 

The next day, they requested the same thing so I made them the "world's smallest pancakes" instead. They thought that was pretty funny.

The weather has been pretty pleasant so we've been on a few bike rides. The new trailer came yesterday and we're pretty excited about it.

Poor Ivy got her hand slammed in the slider door of the van by ME! at costco today. It was so traumatic and the door was locked and I couldn't find the keys. Finally, we got it out and she was fine! Just a few little dents on two fingers. I tried to take her home to get her some tylenol and look at the hand, but she wanted to go to costco - so weird. Guess she's just too little with too much fat padding there for it to do anything major? Still scary though.

The littles had their dentist appointments. This was Ivy's first cleaning and she was awesome. Archie was also awesome. Love having kids who love the dentist! The only thing he mentioned was that Archie might have an overbite? He said sometimes kids grow into things like that and sometimes they need spacers or something. Anyway, everything else looks great and they had a ball.

Here's the sunglasses Archie told you about.

Here's Ivy trying to give a thumbs up like Archie did...LOL

Wilson leaves tomorrow for his big trip to PA! We hit the road for the beach on Saturday. 
We're excited - wish you could join us!

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