Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Haunted Theatre

 A local mom blog that I follow mentioned Tacoma's Haunted Theatre ballet and said it was fun for all ages, so I decided to take the kids. I invited Peggy and Shannon and we met at Chik Fil A for some dinner before the show. 

The lighting is weird in this picture, but it was a really cool old building in downtown Tacoma. 
Before the ballet, there was a haunted hallway that had a some cool effects like a vampire, headless guy and a ballerina "doll" that was real. Guess who hated everything in the haunted hall except the ballerina? Yep, Ivy, and the boys were the opposite... funny.

The ballet was really fun and about an hour, which was perfect for the kids. It kept their attention the whole time. Below is a picture of the pirates. There were also bats, skeletons, zombies, monsters doing the monster mash and a lot more. It was cute.

The kids all loved their new costumes. I asked Wilson and Leo if they wanted to go to the Nutcracker ballet with me and they cheered, so I think they're ballet fans...sorry! 

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