Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Just another day in paradise

Besides Halloween, our days have been pretty normal around here. Archie is such a good sport when I see a nice fall tree I want him to pose under.

Isn't he so cute?

I found this scene in the backseat tonight after I dropped the boys off for piano. Swoon, Wilson is so sweet.

 Ivy's love for her babies has continued. I guess some things are taught along the way...

I told you about Leo's first $20 bill. He is so proud of it! I'm proud of him. He is such a hard worker on chores and being a helper. This kid is motivated!

Even though Archie is above the age limit for the music class (12-36 mo) I brought him anyway and he had a blast. Ivy was more outgoing with him there, too!

Not much too exciting in this post, but every day life is pretty good around here. Miss you, of course!

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