Thursday, November 24, 2016


We had a great Thanksgiving!

Your mom cooked almost everything and it was all delicious. They brought up a new roaster as a gift for us and so it was our first time trying it out. Worked great! Leo of course wanted to help.

The kids had fun playing in the house since it was really crummy weather all day.

Here is the Hero Quest with evil Zargon.

I realize now that I didn't get a picture of Archie and Dexter. They were pretty cute playing 'wrestling' and took off their shirts to go at it in the living room. Archie got pinned every time with a big smile on his face.

Here is the table ready to go. Can you see the turkey's hanging from the chandelier? Leo, Eleanor and even Dylan worked on those. We all fit around one table. Ivy napped through and woke up just in time for pie. I believe she did that last year, too. I joked that next year I'm going to put her in a 'My First Thanksgiving' bib.

Caveman Leo ate the only drumstick. I remember fighting with my siblings over the two drumsticks all the time, but Leo was the only one in this bunch that wanted it. He gnawed on it the whole meal. Almost everything on the table was gluten free - tasted great.

The Costco pumpkin pie was really good, but I would argue that the gf pumpkin pie I made rivaled it. I also made an apple pie. The boys loved them all - mostly they just wanted whip cream squirted directly in their mouths. This reminds me of the picture on the Japan Hostess blog I did... remember that?

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. 
We sure missed you being there and mentioned you many, many times.

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