Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Report Cards

The boys got their report cards right before Spring Break. Sorry I forgot to post them for so long. Nothing really noteworthy, as neither teacher does individualized comments - frustrating! Wilson was a little jealous of all Leo's +'s and 4's. 

I was not thrilled with some of Leo's 3's. Like 'Identifies and writes numbers 0-20.' He got a 4 first trimester and a 3 this time. Did he forget them? I don't think so. Also, 'recognizes letters' and some other ones didn't sit right with me. He did get the Academic Achievement award for this time and he seemed really happy with his grades. 

I was hoping for a few more 4's on Wilson's report, especially in math but even his writing is so good. He has never missed a spelling word all year and is very good with punctuation and capitalization. Anyway, mostly 3's. One area where I really complimented him was his music grade... look at it! He has the same teacher as last year who he always got negative comments from. I asked him if he was doing better in music and he said he was. So, that was great.

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