Thursday, July 13, 2017


The boys have been riding their bikes a ton this summer. Mostly in our circle, but about once a week we load them up and find a new park or trail to bike on. 

Leo popped a tire on his bike so I took it in to the bike shop to get it fixed. Bike guy told me it would be $20 for the new tube and labor. I was about ready to get it fixed when he noticed the front tire... completely bald and he said a new tire and tube is $30 for that. We both agreed it was a miracle it hadn't popped already. So, I was then looking at $50 in repairs for a bike that was probably too small for Leo anyway. Bike guy started showing me some really nice $300 bikes and I just told him that was more than we were going to spend on our six year old. So, he brought me over to a used bike section and I found this one for $75. Sold! 

Leo is thrilled.

A local BMX racing track was having a free beginner two hour leson, so we headed over with the boys. Wilson and Leo had so much fun on the racetrack.

The lesson started out with the boys just going around the course at their own pace.

Then, they walked around the track with the instructor and learned the names and techniques for riding on each part of the track.

The last 30 minutes of the lesson was all races. Wilson and Leo faced off a few times and they were both pretty good and fearless. I have a video of their race, but I couldn't get it to upload. 

A girl did break her arm early in the night and then Wilson fell off and hurt his wrist on his last race of the night, so I'm not totally comfortable with it being their new favorite sport. Nevertheless, the boys absolutely loved it and Leo's already asking to be signed up for racing season.

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