Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Summer fun

Here are some pictures I've taken that don't really warrant a whole blog post on their own, but I'm sure you'll want to see them anyway...

Here is the Kitsap Steamers train ride. Archie and I missed it because I lost him at the park for about five minutes, oops....

We found a great new beach on Bainbridge at Fort Ward park. Here is Leo's crab collection. He wanted to take them all home, but 'we' decided it'd be better if he set up a museum for people on he beach to see. Can you see the shells all rowed up on the driftwood? He was so proud.

Another at Fort Ward. Ferry in the background.

Leo labeled his own jelly GF. Sweet.

We did a science class and the boys made tin foil boats and then got to see how many pennies they could float on them.

Free slurpees at the 7/11 store on July 11th. The line wrapped around the store and out the front door. The kids' first slurpee. Do I need to add that they loved them?

Hope you like the summer pics, babe! Everything would be more fun with you, of course. Xoxo.

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